Saturday, June 21, 2014

Discover: Matilda

The June book of the month for Bon's Book Club was Matilda by Roald Dahl. I finished it in just a couple of days. It's a children's book after all so it's not very long and a very easy read. What I loved was the spirit of the book. With all of Roald Dahl's books, he creates a vivid fantasy world that immerses the reader completely. Who hasn't read James and the Giant Peach?
Matilda is a very special little girl in every way imaginable. She is brilliant but not arrogant. She's mischievous without being rude or bratty. And she discovers a love for reading that honestly inspired me to read more myself! Here are a few of the books young Matilda read (and I must admit I downloaded a few myself) 
Classics! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and although I haven't watched the movie version, I can't help but wonder if it even came close to capturing the "magic" of the book. 

If you haven't checked out The Life of Bon I suggest you take a visit and see what she has lined up for the upcoming books this year. The next book up is In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. Can't wait to check it out! 


  1. i've shockingly never read matilda but i should really check it out. and i feel better that i've read some of the books on matilda's list at least!

    1. It's a quick read. Perfect for a plane or by the pool. I started the next book of the month, but it's the complete opposite. It's a true crime book and kind of gives me the creeps! I have an over-active imagination I suppose!

  2. I love Mathilda! But I love every book ever written by Roald Dahl!
